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Half empty balikbayan box  size of ( 73x44x30cm ) 96 Liters we pick up with own driver in our ZIP Code areas  or with DHL for remote areas limit 31,5KG


  • More stable box: The box is suitable for 70kg as per factory. Our price is valid for weight till 31.5 kg. Overweight boxes have extra charge according our price list.
  • Free workday scheduling when sending: You can give your ready filled box to any DHL driver or DHL office. Alternatively we can schedule a driver to come to you and to pick up the box at the desired day.
  • Easy handling because the boxes are not so big and heavy instead the weight is divided into 2.
  • Possible sending of one single half box to separate destinatinon with additional fee of 15 EUR.
  • 2 half boxes cost as much as one XXL box and discount applies for more boxes. 2 half boxes same price as one big box.


Half empty balikbayan box
(Excl. tax)
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