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Please be aware that the shipping time from Hamburg to Manila by sea is at least 3 months. For the past 6 months, ships have experienced unusual delays at intermediate ports, which are beyond our control. If this duration is too long for you, please refrain from sending packages. This issue affects all ships bound for Manila. While we cannot predict future delays, the shipping companies still provide us with estimated transit times of 8 weeks. However, we strongly recommend factoring in the delays when making your plans.


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Bring happyness to your loved ones

Send a balikbayan box to the Philippines

We pick up all over Germany and even on German islands with no extra fee. Send your balikbayan box to the Philippines any working day with DHL. You can bring your ready box to any DHL office or give to any DHL driver


Any box less then 96 Liters is considiered a half box and priced as half box






User Rating: 4 / 5

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Please send us an EMail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for any questions you have or call us 06266 9699 000 10AM to 6PM

Bitte senden Sie uns eine Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. wenn Sie Fragen haben oder rufen Sie einfach an 06266 9699 000 von 10 bis 18 Uhr