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Dear Clients, we accept pick up orders for our next container loading. Please call and order empty box if needed together with the documents for your cargo.


This is how to send an balikbayan box from Germany to the Philippines

  1. First order an empty box with  through our website.
  2. fill your balikbayan box with private gifts for your relatives or friends in the Philippines.
  3. Close the box with packing tape and write the recipient address on the box or on the sticker enlosed with our box. If written on a sticker place the sticker left or right side of your box.
  4. Make a pick up schedule with our office 06266 9699 000
  5. Place your box at your front door or garage so the driver can pick up the box without hassle. Or if you choosed DHL transport to our warehouse you can give the box to a DHL driver passing by or bring it to a DHL office.
  6. Our own driver will place a tracking number to your box and your agreement contract, you keep the red copy for your documents and as a receipt. The original paper you give to the driver, we process the customs declaration for you. You dont need to do anything, we care for all paperworks and export declarations as well as import declarations in the Philippines. Pay the shipping fee to the driver or by bank transfer after you receive the invoice.
  7. After 8-12 weeks your box reaches Manila Port and will be passing the custums. After approximately another week the delivery will start. After another 2 to 3 weeks all boxes are delivered also to remote areas. You can follow your box at our website with our tracking service.  

If you with a higher insurance you can increase the amount of lost insurance for each 10 Euro extra payment to additional 200 Euro insurance value. 

We will be happy to hear from you and receive your order.


Ihr Pinoy24 Team